
Preparing the body for sleep

Just as mother nature slowly winds down the day with the sun gently setting on the horizon, the human body must slowly wind down the body for sleep.

Photo by luizclas on Pexels.com

Our body and souls are divided into two dimensions or environments, the inside and the outside. A balance has to be brought in between the two environments in order to achieve a perfect sleep balance.


Gear Down, Slow Down, and Lay Down

There are several things you should do to prepare for sleep but first you must have the intention to sleep.

Your evening activities before sleep should be quiet and peaceful. This is not the time to watch dramatic or traumatic movies or tv shows. You should find things that are relaxing to your mind to do such as reading, meditation, or enjoying the evening air by relaxing outside. The noise level in the house should be minimal. Keep the TV volume down. You should also use this time to quietly prepare your children for bed as well. Avoid bright lights and this includes the blue light of an electronic device such as your phone. These types of lights stimulate the brain into a more wakeful state. Wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t constrict your movement. Keep the temperature in the house comfortable, not too hot or too cold.

The foods you consume before sleeping should be foods that the body easily processes. Do not consume foods that create too much “heat” at bedtime, such as peppers, spices such as cumin or coriander, tomatoes, coffee or energy drinks, oily foods or red meat. Avoid foods that are high in calories and fat as those foods are not easily digested.

Avoid medications at bedtime that will keep you awake. Take only those medications that are required by your doctor to be taken at bedtime. For example, this is probably not the best time to take your vitamins.

Establish a bedtime routine. Prepare for sleep in the same manner every night so that your body will get clues that it is time to sleep. Your routine can begin at anytime in the evening but at least a hour before sleep.

When you go to bed, take a glass of water with you so that you do not have to turn on lights and walk through the house to get a drink in the middle of the night. If you are the type of person who gets hungry in the middle of the night, take a small snack as well. By not turning on the lights and walking through the house at night, you can more easily fall back to sleep. Avoid any over stimulation during the sleeping hours. If you must get up at night, avoid turning on all the lights. Just turn on enough light to safely walk to your destination and return to the bed.

Establish a regular bedtime and waketime. Most adults need a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night. Talk to your doctor about the recommended number of hours needed for you to sleep and adjust your bedtime so that you can obtain your recommended number of hours of sleep.

And the old saying of “Don’t go to bed mad” still applies. Not only is it good marital advice, it is good advice for sleep as well.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

Good Day!!

Hypertension and 3 Miracle Fruits

By Dr. Hassan Jafary

Photo by Abby Anaday on Unsplash


Hypertension occurs when an individual’s blood pressure, which normally goes up and down within 24 hours, is constantly too high. When this happens, the heart must work overtime to pump blood through the body.

Making healthy lifestyle choices can help reduce high blood pressure and may keep the serious complications of hypertension such as heart failure from occurring.

A Healthy Diet

Regularly consuming foods rich in magnesium, potassium, and fiber can help with the management of blood pressure levels. The same goes for foods that have a low sodium content.

Medical experts say a healthy and well-balanced diet helps ensure your blood pressure readings stay healthy. This should also be coupled with at least 150 minutes of exercise every week.

Lower your blood pressure by eating these 3 fruits

Consuming these three miracle fruits can help lower blood pressure: Blueberries, Bananas, and Apples

Among the foods that can best help maintain normal blood pressure levels are blueberries, bananas, and apples. Studies have shown them to have a huge and positive impact on blood pressure readings.

In the case of apples, the fruit has high quercetin content. Quercetin is a flavonoid that is easily absorbed by your system and overwhelms free radicals. Apples also support your veins and lowers your blood pressure naturally.

Blueberries, on the other hand, also have high flavonoid content and have powerful antioxidant properties. These properties greatly help to reduce blood pressure.

Bananas are a rich source of potassium, which is an important mineral that the body relies on to properly function. Potassium also helps in lowering blood pressure by balancing out the undesirable effects of salt. According to research, the daily consumption of banana can go a long way in reducing blood pressure. There is even one study that showed eating two bananas daily lowers blood pressure by at least 10%.

On your next trip to the supermarket, stop by the produce department and pick up some of the three miracle fruits to help lower your blood pressure.

Have a good day

The Wonders of Turmeric

What are the benefits of Turmeric?

Anyone who comes to Dr. Jafary’s clinic knows that Turmeric and his turmeric blend supplement is a common recommendation for his patients.

So just what is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a spice used by humans for thousands of years. Turmeric is a member of the Ginger family and if you see it in the grocery store it will look like ginger root only it will have a dark yellow almost orange color with a brown skin. It has a bitter, pungent flavor. When dried and ground, turmeric is a bright yellow powder, commonly used in curries, pickles, and mustard.

The active ingredient is curcumin. The curcumin is the magic component of the turmeric which gives it the anti-inflammatory properties.

So what can Turmeric supplements be used for?

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory agent. In Chinese traditional medicine, individuals who have a cold constitution, meaning people who cannot tolerate cold, are more prone to get cancer. So, it is believed that turmeric warms the blood and creates an environment where cancer or inflammation can not take deeper root.

Most of the genetic diseases need environmental factors to “kick in”, Turmeric prevents the cell damage by getting rid of the toxins in the cell so Turmeric plays a role in many of the biochemical reactions in the body at the cell level.:

Turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and blood thinner which neutralizes the free radicals which destroy the cells.

Turmeric can help with depression, Alzheimer disease, and increase memory.

So if you have any questions about the Herbal Turmeric Blends available on the market or even the one Dr. Jafary offers in the clinic, please ask him when you see him.

Dr. Jafary’s Herbal Blend Capsules with Turmeric
Dr. Jafary


The Often Recommended Chicken Soup

Dr. Jafary’s Often Recommended Chicken Soup is good for colds, flu, stomach ache, autoimmune disease, and sore throat.

For all the patients of Dr. Jafary who have ever been recommended Chicken Soup when they have had a stomach ache, sore throat, cold or even the flu, understanding exactly how the soup was made was kind of a mystery.

So here it is in detail:

Dr. Jafary’s Chicken Soup

  • 5 chicken legs
  • Fresh Ginger, Peeled and Sliced, 2 inch piece
  • Pepper to taste
  • 2 large chicken bullion cubes or 4 small
  • 4 quarts water
  • 1 Tbsp Turmeric, ground
  • Cornstarch
  • 4 tablspoon chopped Cilantro or Parsley
  • Fresh Lemon

Place chicken legs, sliced ginger, turmeric, pepper, bullion in a pan with the four quarts of water and bring to a boil and then reduce heat and simmer till chicken is soft and easy to remove from bone.

Remove chicken from soup and separate from bone and then return meat to the pot along with the cilantro or parsley. At this point, you can add any other herbs or seasonings you prefer as well. Return to boil. If you like a thickened soup, you can add cornstarch dissolved in an equal amount of cold water into the boiling soup. Typically 1 Tbsp per 1 quart of liquid. If you do not like it thickened, omit the cornstarch and just enjoy the broth. Drizzle with fresh squeezed lemon before serving.

So there it is, a simple chicken soup as recommended by Dr. Jafary for upper respiratory complaints, upset stomachs, and other conditions including autoimmune diseases.

If you have any questions regarding his Often Recommended Chicken Soup recipe – ask for details in the Clinic, most preferably of his wife as he doesn’t cook that often, he only knows that Chicken Soup will make you feel better!!!!!!

Dr. Jafary

Good day!